8 minutes

Playing In The Event Playground for the first time.

We're creating the best content pre-visualization software in the world. We've just completed our first events that were run through the system and we've learned a lot!

May 26, 2024

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May 26, 2024

Playing In The Event Playground for the first time.

We're creating the best content pre-visualization software in the world. We've just completed our first events that were run through the system and we've learned a lot!

8 minutes
November 8, 2023

Maximizing Impact with Event Video Production: The Key to Immersive Audience Experiences

The power of a high-quality event video lies in its ability to replicate the gut-punch effect of a well-executed cinematic experience. This is achieved not just through stunning visuals but, perhaps more crucially, through sound that resonates with the clarity and intensity of a live event.

10 min watch
Brand Experience
October 11, 2023

Sometimes the Hard Stuff Is the Boring Stuff

When it comes to video production and working with top-tier brands, things can get quite intricate. Our recent collaboration with Intuit, a giant in the software industry, sheds light on the complexities involved in content production, particularly animation.

10 min watch
Virtual Event
October 5, 2023

The Art of Professional Video Production: Moving Beyond the Amateur Mindset

The digital age is dominated by content, and at the heart of this content-driven world is video production. The art of creating visual stories has never been more crucial, and as brands strive to make their mark, they turn to production companies to bring their visions to life.However, diving deep into the world of video production, especially for complicated projects, reveals a marked difference between an amateur and a professional approach. It's the difference between simply having an idea and actually executing it on a grand scale.

10 min watch
October 3, 2023

‍The Evolution of Video Production: When to Use a Phone vs. High-end Cameras

The age-old debate in the realm of video production - to use a high-end camera or to settle for your trusty smartphone? Today, we’ll dive into the major differences, benefits, and scenarios for both.

10 min watch
October 2, 2023

Brand Marketing vs. Product Marketing in Video Production

Welcome to the world of video production, where the lines between brand marketing and product marketing often blur. Both are vital to a brand's success, but they serve different purposes and require unique strategies.

10 min watch