Audio-visual candy that makes them look.

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"Make them look." It's our goal and our motto. People are glued to their devices, overwhelmed by constant noise and perpetually distracted. That's where mile 80 comes in.


The Event Playground

Experience your entire show before you're at the venue

What we do

Impressions are not our goal. We’re after hearts and minds - to impact your audience to their core so they put down their damn phone and be present.

Our Work

Truly full
Production services are just a fraction of what we offer...
Contact Us
Our creative team is globally distributed, buoyed by the most robust project management system in the industry, allowing us to work 24/7, never missing a beat.

We're 2-3 times faster than the competition, with far greater precision. This removes unnecessary rounds of revisions and the typical back and forth to get your desired deliverables. We've never seen a deadline we can't meet, while producing the highest-quality output possible.
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Students of the Game

Cover Blog Post
May 26, 2024

Playing In The Event Playground for the first time.

We're creating the best content pre-visualization software in the world. We've just completed our first events that were run through the system and we've learned a lot!

8 minutes
Cover Blog Post
August 25, 2023

Turning Lemons into Video Lemonade

The process of transforming ideas into visuals is central to video production for marketing. The creation of commercials and ad campaigns isn't just about shooting good video—it's about crafting a compelling story, and sometimes, the magic lies more in getting creative with the assets you already have on hand.

10 min watch
Virtual Event
Cover Blog Post
May 3, 2023

Artist Spotlight: Theodora Măgureanu

She always had an inclination towards art. She got serious about video editing 7 years ago when she enrolled into the University of Art, studying photography and video art. There she was able to learn the basics. Before working at Mile80, she was a gallerist in one of the oldest private art galleries in her city and there she had the chance of interacting with all types of arts and artists.

10 min read
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