AMD Advancing AI

A great event sets a tone, immerses the audience, and jolts them into paying attention, being in the moment. AMD and agency partner Freeman wanted to make it clear during their recent Advancing AI event that they are an undisputed leader in the AI revolution.

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Generative Graphics
Particle systems
Agency Partner
Keynote Graphics, Experiential


At the heart of the 90-minute event was a complex 3D graphics package acting as the background layer throughout the event. The timeline was tight. Just as importantly, competition for hearts and minds in this space is fierce, with massive companies investing billions of dollars in their quest for domination.



Establishing AMD as a leader in a crowded AI space required an immersive experience that not only told a great story, but leveraged the very technology at question. So we focused on crafting a background aesthetic that matched the impact of the words being conveyed and the keynote graphics being developed by Freeman.



Producing and rendering 90 minutes of 3D graphics within a 3-week timeline is nearly impossible. So we got creative alongside Freeman, opting for generative graphics through TouchDesigner from Derivative allowing for unprecedented SPEED, REAL-TIME ITERATION AND LIVE CONTROL.



The event succeeded in establishing AMD's role in bringing an open, proven and ready AI software platform to market, highlighting significant progress expanding the software ecosystem supporting AMD technology.